Cusco Machu Picchu


The Best Surf Spots in Lima

The Best Surf Spots in Lima


Modern scientific archaeology indicates, as many Peruvians have long claimed, that surfing may have been invented on their north Pacific coast by pre-Columbian cultures using reed boats to surf the waves. These boats are similar in shape to surfboards but are made from the hollow, buoyant reeds of a plant. Pottery from as early as 1000b.c. unearthed in Peru shows people wave riding. For those who think surfing was invented in Hawaii keep in mind no one lived on the Hawaiian Islands until 300-750AD or at least 1500 years and possibly 2000 years after surfing has been confirmed in Peru. To be certain, Peru has the oldest archaeological and cultural evidence in existance. Additionally, it is clear that the lineage in Peru originates in the Pre-Incan past 3000 years ago. It continues to the present in both the ancient and modern forms. As proven by archeologists this tradition can be traced back to 1000bc. Surfing is depicted on ceremonial vessels of the Viru Culture, an antiquity of 3000 years, where you can clearly see a man standing aboard a little reed craft, surfing.

For travelers from all over the world, Peru offers waves for everyone: beginners, intermediate, and advanced longboard riders alike surfers. Máncora, the largest left hand point break in the world, located in the northern coast of Peru, deserves special mention. In addition to this, the greatest left-handed wave in the world is to be found at Chicama, which is over 4 km long.

Swells are generated far south and most of the spots get consistent offshore winds. The large number of surf spots make it easy to find uncrowded waves.

Looking to catch some good waves? Peru has endless options for you. The entire coastline of Peru is filled with amazing surfing destinations for surfers who range from beginner to pro. Whether you go surfing in Lima or in Chicama, you will not be disappointed. There is nothing more amazing than hitting the waves in the morning and then coming in to eat a delicious serving of ceviche. Here you will find all you need to know about surfing in Peru.


Lima Miraflores Surfing: Costa Verde Beaches

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru, in the city of Lima (from Chorrillos to Miraflores districts)
Characteristics:Point-breaks, beach breaks, rights, lefts perfect for beginners. The most popular waves are: El Triangulo, Ala Moana, Barranquito, Redondo, Makaha, La Pampilla, Punta Roquitas.
Kind of wave: Point-breaks, beach breaks, rights, lefts perfect for beginners. The most popular waves are: El Triangulo, Ala Moana, Barranquito, Redondo, Makaha, La Pampilla, Punta Roquitas.
Sea performance: Cold water, light fluent, best period in winter. 100% consistent.
Weather: Moderate, moist, accord to the season. Cold with light rains or hot. Average temperature between 28°C and 12°C. Cold period from April through October. Warm period from November to March.
Access: By the beach circuit heading south. For all kind of vehicles.
Services: All in the same city.


Summer: December-March
Autumn: March-June
Winter: June-September
Spring: September-December

Caballeros Beach

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru, in the city of Lima, district of Punta Hermosa, At the Km 40 of the South Panamericana highway.

Characteristics: Pointbreak, long rights with tubular sections, 0.5 – 2 mts.
Cerro Azul Beach: A classic spot mentioned by the Beach Boys in their “Surfing Safari” 60´s hit (pay attention to it after the guitar solo).

Location: In the central Coast of Peru, in the city of Lima, by the Km 121 of the South Panamericana.
Characteristics: It is called a salloon wave, clean and easy to ride, breaking for almost 200 meters inside a protected bay. Great for all type of surfers. And often uncrowded. Wave riding is guaranteed.
El Peñascal Beach

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru in the city of Lima, district of San Bartolo by the Km 51 of the Panamericana South.
Characteristics: (experts): pointbreak, poweful right with a tubular section, rocky bottom, 2 – 4 mts.
La Herradura Beach

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru, in the city of Lima, district of Chorrillos.
Characteristics: (experts) a solid left break, only for the advanced surfers; pretty crowded when breaking. Needs a solid swell and only breaks from overhead and up. If we get a swell during your stay we will take you to La Herradura to assist to one of the greatest surfing spectacles on earth. From a “ring side” place you will feel the adrenaline rush of locals riding the nonstoping power of the ocean.

La Isla Beach

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru in the city of Lima, by the Km 40 of the Panamericana South.
Characteristics: Rights, strong, big and fast, tubular sections. Breaks all the year.
Pepinos Beach

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru in the city of Lima, by the Km 150 of the Panamericana South.
Characteristics: Reef-break, left, strong, formed, with tubular section. Considered BEST PLACE TO SURF WHEN EVERYTHING IS FLAT, it reaches 2 meters.
Playa Norte Beach

Location: Little South of Lima at 43 km. In Punta Hermosa district.
Characteristics: Reef break, rights. With proper conditions is an excellent ride. It works better with low tide and glassy.

Pepinos Beach

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru in the city of Lima, by the Km 150 of the Panamericana South.
Characteristics: Reef-break, left, strong, formed, with tubular section. Considered BEST PLACE TO SURF WHEN EVERYTHING IS FLAT, it reaches 2 meters.

Playa Norte Beach

Location: Little South of Lima at 43 km. In Punta Hermosa district.
Characteristics: Reef break, rights. With proper conditions is an excellent ride. It works better with low tide and glassy.

Puerto Nuevo Beach

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru, in the city of Lima, by the Km 71 of the Panamericana South.
Characteristics: Beach breaks, lefts and rights, strong, formed, good tubular sections. It´s a classic wave from 1 to 2 meters. It gets good with South and West swell.

Puerto Viejo Beach

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru, in the city of Lima, by the Km 71 of the Panamericana South.
Characteristics: clean and perfect left ride that barrels all along the perfect sand bar. Beautiful surroundings and a great place to catch your first tubes!.

Punta Rocas Beach

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru in the city of Lima, district of San Bartolo by the Km 51 of the Panamericana South.
Characteristics: Reef-break, right and left, strong, formed, with some tubular section in a proper day. Considered waves for any level of surfing.

San Bartolo Piers Beach

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru in the city of Lima, by the Km 150 of the Panamericana South.
Characteristics: Reef-break, left, strong, formed, with tubular section. Considered BEST PLACE TO SURF WHEN EVERYTHING IS FLAT, it reaches 2 meters.

San Gallan Beach

Location: In the South Coast of Peru in the city of Ica, near Paracas.
Characteristics: right reefbreak in the island, 1-3mts.
Señoritas Beach

Location: In the Central Coast of Peru in the city of Lima, district of Punta Hermosa by the Km 40 of the Panamericana South.
Characteristics: (average): pointbreak, powerful and long left with tubular sections, rocky bottom, 1 – 3 mts.

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