Tambopata river rafting
From April to October 2021: This is one of the best trips that combine ecoadventures, rafting, some hikes and cultural experience. You will get in touch with the ancient Aymara and Quechua People as well you will experience different ecosystem while you are exploring this vast territory from the high landa of Titicaca lake to the pristine rain forest of the Amazon in the remote Tambopata river.
Tambopata river rafting: The amountt of wilf life in theses places are amazing since you cover the different ecosystem like grass land and andean srub bush vegetation to the cloud and rain forest while you are in the Titicaca lake and the Tambopata wild life refuge. Also you will hike different trail in the islands of Titicaca lake and the wild life refuge of theTambopata River. The camping in the rain forest is outstanding since you will Wake up with the sound of the rain forest and every sunrise and sunset will be incredible. Sleeping in the house communities facilities with the native people of the Titicaca lake is a great cultural experience and learn their tratiditions and way of living is unique. To end this great adventures the rafting onthe Tambopata river is incredible with great fun comercial rapids from clases II to class IV with great volumes of water and warn water. Only this kind of trip can bring you a life experiences that will stay for life. We provide all the Equipment.
We Provide and Include in Tambopata river and Titicaca lake Licensed, Bilingual, history, naturalist and Class V Rafting Tour Guides- Satellite phone- Rafting Expedition Equipment, Safety Procedures and Orientation, paddles, helmets, life jackets, windbreaker jackets, Cargo Cata-raft & Safety kayak- Motor Boat Transfers- First Aid kit-Expedition grade tents and sleeping bag air matrasses gear- All Itinerary Meals, including vegetarian & some snacks- Dining tent, Cook & Services- Ecological, portable toilets- TNR Entrance and Site Fees, IE Macaw Lick- Hotel/Airport Transfers in Cusco & Puerto Maldonado- Airline Reservation assistance and Confirmation- Additional Tour Arrangements.
Overview: Tambopata wild life refuge. Titicaca lake experience is one of the best trips in Perú that combine ecoadventures and cultural trips.
Cusco MachuPicchu: The Tambopata National Reserve, TNR is part of a 3.7million acre Multi-Ecosystem Conservation Reserve in southeastern Perú, created in 1990 in partnership with local grassroots and international conservation groups by Perú’s government. This reserve protects the biodiversity of the watersheds of the Tavara and Candamo Rivers and most of the Tambopata River watershed. The declaration and design of the TNR include an underlying philosophy of sustainable development and conservation of forest resources. Part of this includes environmentally friendly Wildlife tours to help generate valuable profits for the reserve.
The Titicaca lake tour
Lake Titicaca , the cradle of Incan civilization, and the origin of the Inca Empire is the largest lake on the South American continent. It is reputed to be the highest navigable lake in the world (about 3810 m/12,500 ft above sea level), extending from southeastern Peru to western Bolivia. The lake is 196 km (122 mi) long with an average width of 56 km (35 mi).